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Garden Gates Direct - Can You Repair A Damaged Gate?

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Can you Repair a Damaged Gate?

If your gates have become damaged and look unsightly, in this article we are going to look at whether repair is a possible option of whether entire replacement is a better course of action. Regardless of whether your gates sag, are warped or have been neglected and have major signs of rust, we will consider the most common issues and discuss the elements needed to return them back to their original condition. We hope it is helpful and ultimately want you to be able to determine the best course of action for your damaged gate. Let’s get started!

Sagging wooden gates

Common Types of Damage

  • Corrosion and Wood Rot: Exposed to the elements throughout the year, wooden and metal gates take a battering from the weather. Metal is particularly susceptible to rust, and when this occurs, it not only looks unsightly but will also weaken the structure over time. Likewise, if timber is not properly treated with a stain or paint, it will show signs of Mold and wood rot which will lead to severe deterioration in the gates overall condition.

  • Dents and Structural Damage: With regular use, it’s likely that your gates will encounter an object at some point. Be it hit by a car, swinging open against a wall or simply a scratch on the painted surface, any type of damage will negatively impact the gates condition and overall appearance if not rectified as soon as possible.

  • Hinges and Fittings: The hinges are the backbone of any gate and are what provides support, safety, and correct operation. Common problem can include incorrect adjustment, loose nuts and bolts, rust, improper sizing, and inadequate lubrication. Any of these issues will ultimately cause the gates to sag, catch on the ground and in the long run will be detrimental to the expected lifespan of the gate itself.

  • Sagging: Gates are a heavy moving object and unless properly installed and maintained, they can start to sag. In the case of timber gates, this may lead to joints opening allowing water in and causing wood rot. For a metal gate, sagging could be down to the use of incorrectly specified components or improper support from the wall & posts. In either instance, the root cause of a sagging gate needs to be addressed as soon as possible to prevent a knock-on effect of other problems.

As demonstrated above, their can be numerous types of damage that can occur to your gate and for this reason we always advocate for regular maintenance and inspection on a yearly basis. It takes little time, but will undoubtedly save you time, hassle, and money in the long term.

warped wooden gates

Gate Repair Process

  • Evaluate & Assess: The initial phase of repairing a gate will be to examine, assess and understand the damage and what caused it in the first place. Whilst a bent framework or a major dent will indicate an impact with an object, there are instances where the root cause may not be obvious always take you time to look at all areas of the gate (such as checking for loose fixings, post out of plumb and small misalignments). If you are unsure about the problem, we recommend asking a professional to make proper assessment and give solutions for a possible repair.

  • Plan of Action: When you feel confident that you have identified the root cause of the issues, you will be able to compile a plan of action. This may simply be to tighten a loose bolt or add a fresh coat of paint, but in more severe cases may be more time consuming (especially if your gates are automated or have structural issues).

  • Replace Components: Depending on the type of damage that needs to be repaired, it may be possible to cut out rotted boards and bracing, replace damaged safety sensors and fit new hinges. In all instances, this needs to be done to the best of your abilities and if it is beyond your skill set, always use a professional to do the work for you.

  • Alignment and Adjustments: If the gate is not sitting level, and you have checked for loose fixings, then the hinges will more than likely be the culprit. In these instances, it is possible to make small adjustments to the positioning to return the gates back to level.

  • Finish: If your gate has damaged paint, or lacks an adequate coat of stain, you can easily rub the entire gate down and refinish is using an appropriate treatment to suit the materials application. Doing so will not only provide better aesthetic results, but it will provide a higher degree of protection against the elements.

damaged metal gate with post falling over

What are the Benefits of Repairing a Gate?

  1. Cost Savings: Even though a gate may look like it is beyond repair, it is often easily returned to its original condition for very little money.

  2. Extends the Lifespan: If you choose to repair your damaged gate, it will undoubtedly add to its lifespan. Furthermore, by addressing any structural issues, you can ensure that it will remain safe for users and occupants of the property.

  3. Security: A well-maintained will remain far more secure than one with broken hinges, boards falling off or that does not have the ability to close and lock properly.

When Should You Consider Replacing a Gate?

Whilst many gates can be repaired back to a full useable condition, their will be instances where they are beyond salvageable. These are the times we would recommend a replacement:

  • Excessive Damage: If the gate has suffered major damage that compromises the structural integrity or negates it ability to open and close at all, a complete replacement is a wise choice. The outlay of a replacement will often not be much more than if you were to carry out complex repairs.

  • Obsolete Technology: If your gate motor is old, or does not include the necessary safety features, in most circumstances it will be easier to replace the entire system.

  • Inadequate Security: If your gate is unable to offer the level of security you need it to provide, or if it lacks the features required for your given application, (such as providing adequate access control), a replacement gate is a recommendation.

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