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Precautions For Your Garden

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Garden Security – Take Adequate Precautions Now

Ensuring you take proper precautions in relation to garden security is an essential part of modern life. With opportunist thefts being a regular occurrence, it is important to take the correct measures to deter and prevent such activity taking place.

So if you are security conscious make sure you read the below information detailing some key areas of the home that can be improved to enable you to achieve this.

Create a Well Defined Boundary

One of the most effective ways of preventing criminals and trespassers from straying within the boundary of your property is to create a clearly defined boundary.

Whilst many options are available to choose from including planting thick hedges or building high walls, these will not be to everyone`s taste. As such one of the most effective alternatives is to install metal fencing in a design that will be sympathetic to your homes architectural style.

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Whilst securing the majority of the perimeter is simple using a static structure, you must also to remember to secure an pedestrian access points using a gate. Although available in a wide range of styles and heights, to achieve the maximum level of security your best option is to go for tall single metal gates around 1800mm in height that can be secured using a padlock or similar device.

Finally, should your home feature a driveway, don`t forget to install double gates across the opening to maintain the boundary.

Keep Children and Pets Safe at All Times

In addition to preventing trespassers from entering your property, a secure perimeter will also ensure children and family pets can enjoy a safe place without having to worry about them leaving the garden and straying onto any busy roads that may be present nearby.

Create a Design Statement to Your Garden

Whilst the number one reason to add a secure boundary to your property should be to ensure your garden remains safe at all times, you should still look to retain some aesthetic appeal and not make the home look like a prison.

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To view our entire selection of high quality gates and fencing please check out our online shop.